Partners and clients

How young are the innovators?

Zuckerberg - 19 let
Jobs - 21 let
Gates - 19 let
Lukačovič - 22 let
Průša - 19 let

The education system can’t keep up with the rapid pace of IT development

We believe that our country’s education system should produce game-changers. We address systemic issues in domestic technical education: insufficient competency readiness of graduates, inadequate professional preparedness, low interest in technical studies, and poor applicability in real-world scenarios.

Half-life of knowledge

If you learn something today in 1924 and don't actively update your knowledge, it will be completely outdated by 1959.

- Fritz Machlup

Applied Education

There are young students, talented developers, who code "for the drawer" and spend their evenings stacking shelves in supermarkets. On the other hand, there are students who, at 16, feel that school is pointless because their first employer offered them double the hourly wage of their teacher. The Academy exists to prevent such situations, to mediate the relationship between students, schools, and businesses.

Our rules


The association is committed to acting in a way that contributes to raising the quality and moral values of its members, as well as society as a whole, while supporting the social values and conventions of a modern democratic society.


The association is committed to complying with applicable legal regulations as well as its own internal rules in its activities.


The association is committed to adhering to legal regulations that guarantee its members working conditions and an environment that enable safe performance of work, including the prevention of work-related stress. For this reason, it also provides members with access to information about significant changes in the structure, operations, and activities of the association. This is primarily achieved through internal communication channels, such as email notifications.


Similarly, the association approaches the division of work within its working groups. All activities of the association are subordinated to the education of its members. The primary focus is always on the long-term effort to enhance members' professional competencies and support their continued education.


Project clients from the ranks of regular members of the association are authorized to assign, task, and supervise individual academic members—project solvers—only through the organs and processes of the association specifically established for this purpose.


The association prioritizes the mental and physical health and overall well-being of its academic members. It ensures appropriate scheduling of the work required from solvers—academic members. The association never assigns work that could hinder their comprehensive development, impact their ability to continue studying at their respective educational institution, or interfere with their other obligations.


The association takes into account the nature of the work assigned to solvers—academic members—considering their individual characteristics, age, social values, and conventions. The association always refuses assignments with inappropriate or objectionable content.


The association ensures adequate financial and non-financial compensation for the work of individual academic members on projects and protects their natural interests and rights, particularly intellectual property rights.


The well-being of its members is a general goal of the association, which, beyond its formal objectives, aims to create a community of academic members—active students, pupils, and teachers—who, as part of practical education, work on specific projects for the benefit of public institutions or corporate members of the association.


All members perform their work to the best of their knowledge and abilities, with the highest level of professionalism, courtesy, willingness, and a friendly attitude toward third parties.