We are a TEAM
Students, teachers, and companies who came together at the beginning of 2023 with the goal of transforming the reality of the Czech education system. Today, we unite over 3,000 students.

Budujeme komunitu

Family day
s Catermat a Lidl
s Catermat a Lidl

BBQ party

CzechITAcademy hockey team


Golf cups

Partners and clients

We are a community of creative people doing what we love, helping each other kickstart our careers.

Saša (18)
a golfer, a networking enthusiast, a backend developer in the Academy, and the main server administrator.

Adam (15)
hockey player, a rocket geek, and a junior hardware developer in the Academy.
High School Entrance Exams
First Big Love
First Big Paid Project

Kryštof (20)
High School Graduate
football fan, a self-taught graphic designer, a social media manager, and a videomaker in the Academy.

Terka (23)
College Student,
the head of and @jetobased, and in the Academy, she leads strategic communication and media.

Adam (27)
Senior dew,
a dad, an extreme athlete, a senior solution architect in the Academy, and the founder of the startup ForestBit.
Around the world journey
Starting Own Project
Samostatné bydlení
The Birth of a Child
Gamified Project Management
We’ve built our own project management system. And because we want work to be fun, we turned it into a game.For example, every one of our members has their own hero/academic superhero profile that evolves as they gain experience through our projects.Each profile comes with a card—both digital and physical—yes, you can even use them to play our internal game.